Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Congress, we conservatives are watching!

We now have a duty as Conservatives to hold our newly elected majority in the Senate and the bolstered majority in the house to the fire! Unlike Democrats we must make Damn sure that the now act like the adults in the room and begin an onslaught of presenting legislation that empowers the nation to get back to work, that encourages industry to return to the United States of America and that seriously addresses the mounting national debt.
We have a golden opportunity to show ALL Americans that we are the party of the people that stands for limited government and liberty for ourselves and our posterity!
The Republicans must now walk the walk that the future of our country is at stake and put Country before self if they are to be taken serious going forward!

My suggestion and what I personally am going to do is start an ongoing campaign of writing, emailing etc. Republican members of congress to encourage them to act in the best interest of both the country and we the people. And to relentlessly remind them why they have been sent to their temporary stewardship of our governance. I encourage you all to do the same, remind them constantly that they are being watched by the left just waiting for them to slip up but more importantly they are being watched by US, the ones who sent them to D.C. to represent OUR will. and we Conservatives will be far harsher critics should they fail us than the left could ever attempt to be..

We are watching D.C. and we are expecting big things!
That is all