Friday, December 30, 2011

Equal Creation vs. Equal Outcome

Many among us believe that because all men are created equal, all men deserve equal outcomes.  While this idea may sound noble, it omits the imperfect nature of man himself.  We may all begin our journey as innocent children but the decisions we make during our evolution determine the person we eventually become.  We are free to persue our dreams, free to live as we choose and in that way we are equal.

Along the way however, some will decide an education is important and others will not.  Some will decide that hard work pays off while others will not subscribe to that belief never learning its subsequent good habits.  Some will become successfull as a result of their efforts while others will succumb to a lazy victim mentality and learn to accept a future they did not originally forsee.  Our country is founded on freedom.  Freedom and choice cannot be seperated.  Without the ability to choose, we are not free at all.  Success is a result of indivdual responsibility, the quality of our choices and the things we choose to tolerate.  You are not entitled to share the success and wealth of others simply because you exist. 

This brings me again to the imperfect nature of man himself.  Does a lazy man and a hard working man deserve equal outcomes?  I cannot imagine anyone who believes they do (unless your the aforementioned victim of your own choices).  People born into money can become failures, just as a person who is born into poverty can create wealth.  If you conciously or subconciously hate successfull people, how can you become rich and successfull without hating yourself?  The answer is quite simple.  You cannot. 

Holding a negative view of those who are well off will consistently result in the self fullfilling prophecy that you will never succeed.  Only when you embrace those who have achieved success, can you truly allow yourself to succeed.  You are no ones victim.  You are the one and only person responsible for your future and personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Islam Must GO! the effects of not keeping the nation of islam in its place! which is NOT America!

I'm just gonna rant here!
 i make no bones about the fact that i do not trust followers of the nation of Islam! their bible is not the most positive of books an individual could base his or her faith upon, in fact parts of the Koran are down right hateful, now mind you those who are of the Muslim faith will UN-Categorically deny that it preaches hatred towards judeo-Christians and ANY other faith that does not adhere to the teachings of Mohamed but i would expect nothing less from them. every day i see more and more stories of Sharia and the influence of Islam taking hold here in America let me state right here and now as i will most likely repeat relentlessly throughout this statement that Islam, its hate speech, and Sharia Law are NOT WELCOME in the United States Of America. we have a rule of law in this nation that has served us just fine for 234 years known as Constitutional law and i for one will do what ever is needed to maintain that constitutional law remains for all time the ONLY accepted judication in this great nation! if someone wants to live under the hateful and oppressive law of Sharia that's just ducky but you need to go the hell back to where Sharia is the rule of law, and America is and NEVER will be that place for you.
i am going to post links to some stories i have read and seen and you be the judge! why just today the story of the Santa Killer in Texas where a girl was Killed by a man dressed as Santa. turns out it was her own father who could not stand that she was dating a non-Muslim or an (infidel)!
 or in the case of the man in southern Calif. Hollywood to be precise who was randomly shooting people and all the while shouting the terrorist chant  “allahu akbar” typically uttered just before one commits an act of terrorism. but lets not stop there. there are also many stories of institutions of higher learning caving into Islam and its influence like the University of California at Irvine cancelling the scheduled visit of an American Pastor because he had burned the Koran in public, while i don't agree with the burning of book as it harkens back to a Hitleresque moment in time. if you look at Iran's Army in parade they mimic exactly the march and movements of the Third Reich! coinkydink. i think not!
lets move on!
like in Lomita California where city official denied the expansion of a Mosque there and because they took said Action, the United States department of Justice under Eric Holder of course has launched an investigation against they city to determine if the denial was based on religious discrimination. are you kidding me?
look we could go on and and on about this blaten attempt by the Nation of Islam to infiltrate and convert the United States from the constitutional law we all live by to the Sharia compliant law that will allow a man to kill his daughter for simply following her heart in love if that path leads her to an Infidel (non-Muslim) or the open persecution and murder of homosexuals simply for being homosexual. or if allowed to become the rule of law here in America we could all be jailed and executed for refusing to adhere to the Muslim faith. i can't speak for any of you who may find yourself reading this but i WILL NOT GO QUIETLY! or PEACEFULLY.
please call your representatives and DEMAND they enact ANTI_SHARIA legislation here in America!  we as Americans and Judeo-Christians MUST NOT Stand by while Islam marches in and takes over! if our representative fail to Act on this then they will leave us no choice but to act in our own defense when threatened! too many of our so called representatives in DC especially the current President seem suspiciously sympathetic to Muslims and their obvious attempt at overthrow of our cherished way of life. there is an old saying that goes like this.... "There is a time for Diplomacy and a time to Act, the time for Diplomacy has PASSED!" in my humble opinion in regards to Islam there is only one reality they understand! and if they are not dealt with swiftly and appropriately they will succeed at their goal of global domination and we as a Nation will cease to exist!