Friday, December 30, 2011

Equal Creation vs. Equal Outcome

Many among us believe that because all men are created equal, all men deserve equal outcomes.  While this idea may sound noble, it omits the imperfect nature of man himself.  We may all begin our journey as innocent children but the decisions we make during our evolution determine the person we eventually become.  We are free to persue our dreams, free to live as we choose and in that way we are equal.

Along the way however, some will decide an education is important and others will not.  Some will decide that hard work pays off while others will not subscribe to that belief never learning its subsequent good habits.  Some will become successfull as a result of their efforts while others will succumb to a lazy victim mentality and learn to accept a future they did not originally forsee.  Our country is founded on freedom.  Freedom and choice cannot be seperated.  Without the ability to choose, we are not free at all.  Success is a result of indivdual responsibility, the quality of our choices and the things we choose to tolerate.  You are not entitled to share the success and wealth of others simply because you exist. 

This brings me again to the imperfect nature of man himself.  Does a lazy man and a hard working man deserve equal outcomes?  I cannot imagine anyone who believes they do (unless your the aforementioned victim of your own choices).  People born into money can become failures, just as a person who is born into poverty can create wealth.  If you conciously or subconciously hate successfull people, how can you become rich and successfull without hating yourself?  The answer is quite simple.  You cannot. 

Holding a negative view of those who are well off will consistently result in the self fullfilling prophecy that you will never succeed.  Only when you embrace those who have achieved success, can you truly allow yourself to succeed.  You are no ones victim.  You are the one and only person responsible for your future and personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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