Sunday, January 15, 2012

Patriotic Duty

  I always hear it said that "voting is your patriotic duty" and I think to myself how It's actually the very least of our duties.  While every legal citizen should have the right to vote, I believe our patriotic duty is something similar but different.  If someone pays attention to what's happening in the political landscape of the country, they should definitley vote for its future.  If you are indifferent towards our government and the future of this great nation I believe It's your patriotic duty not to vote.  Walk with me for a moment...

     So many people are passionate about their political beliefs but their passion ends with that.  They fail to spend time educating themselves about our constitution, our history, capitalism, economics, socialism, communism, totalitarianism, the empires that have come and gone before us, etc. They are resolute in the idea that they can make the right decision with limited information and minimal effort and once a persons mind is made up, it is not easily undone.

     When we as a nation reach a fork in the road how will you know which path to cast your vote for?  Can you make that decision knowing that your choice affects us all if you really don't know which way to go?   Its difficult to truly think for yourself sometimes when nearly everything we learn from birth to adulthood is knoweledge obtained from another human being.   Books, Television, Radio, and school teachers are just a few examples of how conditioned we are to believe what we learn from others and in many respects it has worked well.

     Our issue is with the middlemen.  Those supposedly responsible for relaying the days events and both sides of the story.  The Media in our country has been corrupted.   They are not focused on giving you the information needed to make a sound decision, they are focused on making the decision for you.  They believe they are smarter than you.  They are wrong. 


     It's your patriotic duty to gather information from different sometimes opposing sources.  To hear both sides of the debate and begin thinking for yourself.  Instead of repeating statements made on TV or radio, you can begin to speak for yourself.   Only then can you confidently cast a vote when our nation reaches the juncture of change.  Only then can you do so knowing the choice was yours and yours alone.  There's an entire industry (if not multiple industries) counting on you to follow the leader.  They believe they are your leader and again they are dead wrong.

"We the People" lead ourselves.

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