Friday, January 27, 2012

Mr President, Where are you?

so as we wander thru this election year i find myself having an extremely hard time rallying behind one candidate for more than a week or two. and thru all the multitude of  Bicker fest debates and gotcha ads and all the superfluous commentary in and out of the lame stream media i find my self asking this simple question.. where in the hell is our next great American President? An individual who believes the Oath of office is sacred and not a mere formality on the way to a power grab! the man that will inspire others to want to build a monument in his honor one day, the person that will unite the people of America in a common purpose of patriotic duty to once again strive to be the best country in the world!
Are there no more citizens out there who feel the fire of duty to their Country, someone who would put self gain aside in order to right a sinking ship, to restore a once great nation to the immaculate stature it once held in the world. seems a shame to watch a nation truly still in its infancy on life support because of ignorance and complacency.

so i ask again..... Mr. President where are you, men such as the man we need are standing idol while your nation is ravaged from the inside out by arrogant men and women with only their self interests at heart. our founders would roll over in their graves (and probably are) at the complete and utter disdain our current executive, legislative and judicial leaders show for the country they risked their lives and their freedom to bring to existence.
i know there are men of such caliber out there, they must be! men like Allen West, Paul Ryan or Mitch Daniels who are already doing good things but seem reluctant to accept the call of the people to lead. maybe they just don't have the time. or are fearful of the gutter dragging the MSM will surely invoke upon them if indeed they did make a run at the presidency. it is however, quite unfortunate that such a man has for whatever reason decided to allow Sycophants and liars take this nation to the precipice of utter chaos and destruction. but there comes that moment when one must set themselves upon a journey much greater than the sum of self, when the needs of a nation call to an individual to sacrifice himself so to speak to lead his country and her people back away from that proverbial ledge and set them back on the true path of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... so again i ask...... Mr. President..... where are you and why do you not step forward and show Americans there is a way back from this destructive path the we have been set upon by the Arrogant and the impotent that have occupied the oval office and congress for the past few decades. choosing only to further their own self interests and agendas completely disregarding the interests of the American people and the country We the People love and cherish, and wish to NOT see dissolve into oblivion..
If in fact you are out there sir. i beg of you to stand up and take your place among the Patriots who formed this glorious country. stand up for the people who so graciously have awaited such a courageous individual to have the courage to become the next Great American President!

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