Monday, June 18, 2012

The Root of all Evil

The phrase "Money is the root of all evil" is such a common saying that most people consider it fact. Although the relentless pursuit of money is an action exhibited by some evil people, "the root of all evil" is something much deeper. If evil could be described as a phrase it would be called "the lust for power"

Over 99% of the human beings who came before us lived under tyranny, dictatorships, monarchies, religious doctrines, etc. Their governments we're established and enforced by a few select people who, by right of blood and lineage, had decided they knew what was best for the people they were "born to rule". Governments like this still exist in Syria, Iran, China and North Korea to name a few. The United States Of America was born out of rebellion to this type of government, in our case Great Britain.

In the history of man, no nation has ever survived the test of time after allowing the people to govern themselves. What makes us different? Why have we survived 236 years and become the most powerful nation in the world after allowing the masses to rule the self? The difference is profound and yet simple. Human beings are imperfect. We have the potential for amazing acts of kindness and we are simultaneously capable of unimaginable cruelty. Human beings trusted with unchecked power over others will almost always succumb to the darker side of human nature. No one is perfect. Our founding fathers understood this. That is what makes us different. Our constitution is written to counteract the ambition of individual selfishness inherent to mankind.

As people struggled to unite the thirteen colonies and ratify a constitution, there was a series of essays published known as "the federalist papers". They were the original argument for the constitution as we know It and if you haven't read them, I highly recommend you do. For the purposes of this topic I quote the following from Federalist #51:

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."

This was written well over 200 years ago. Human nature does not change. People cannot govern themselves if they refuse to admit the imperfection inherent in the human condition. Anyone who denies this universal truth makes their imperfection even more obvious. They (politicians, media celebrities, news pundits,etc.) should be scrutinized to the fullest extent when they ask (if they ask) for the power to control your thoughts, feelings and actions. They lust for power over you. Power over your thoughts, your feelings and your money.

Our republic was designed to keep power from those in power and yet now, so many people are willing to give power to the government in exchange for a free pass for a life of guaranteed mediocracy. If human beings are perfect, why are so many willing to exchange responsibility for security? Why are so many willing to give up essential liberty for personal security? To give up the opportunity for unimaginable success in order to avoid failure? I am not perfect. I feel the persuasion of laziness and government handouts but I realize I can never truly succeed on the government dole. There are no skills learned by government welfare. No raises, promotions or retirement plans (that won't go broke anyways). Government does me a disservice by addicting me to their handouts in exchange for votes. I will not give them what they want. We cannot give them that power.

The relentless lust for power is the root of all evil. Money is just one way to do it. Being a government official is another. I'm not saying you should ignore big business and the tax loopholes they achieve through lobbyists, I'm just saying that you should not ignore the government. They have an agenda too, regardless of what they say to your face.

- Posted via BlogPress on the New iPad

Location:Sacramento CA

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