Friday, November 25, 2011

President Obamas Deceptive American Jobs Act Bill

President Obama exaggerates when he claims “independent economists” say his jobs bill “would create nearly 2 million jobs.” The median estimate in a survey of 34 economists showed 288,000 jobs could be saved or created over two years under the president’s plan.
Obama also claimed one economist said the Republican jobs plan “could actually cost us jobs.” That economist said he did not have enough information to provide a jobs estimate, although he added that focusing on cutting spending “could be harmful in the short run.”
As he has on other occasions, Obama suggested in a speech on October 18th 20011 in North Carolina that there is a general consensus among “independent economists” that his bill The American Jobs Act would create 2 million jobs if passed by Congress.
When asked for the names of the independent experts, the White House gave the names of two economists: Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics and Joel Prakken of Macroeconomics Advisers. But only one of them came close to the “nearly 2 million jobs” figure touted by Obama. Zandi estimated the bill would add 1.9 million jobs. Prakken estimated 1.3 million additional jobs next year. (In an email exchange, Prakken said those 1.3 million new jobs would drop to 800,000 in 2013.)


So, only one of the two economists cited by the White House actually claims that the president’s bill could create “nearly 2 million jobs.”
More importantly, both are at the high end of job-creation estimates. Bloomberg News surveyed 34 economists to gauge the impact of the president’s jobs bill. Of those, 28 economists estimated how many jobs would be created by the bill. The median estimate was 275,000 jobs in 2012 and 13,000 jobs in 2013 for a total of 288,000 jobs — far fewer than the 2 million claimed by the president.

So i say to you, Why in this age of instant information and with the curiosity of the American people to seek the truth and exploit the facts in an attempt to keep the truth in the light and to do away with dishonesty, would anyone anywhere speak any untruth in an attempt to further his or her own agenda. we will find you out! especially when you are arguably the most singularly incompetent and blatantly pro-socialist president in American history and will forever be the most scrutinized individual in American politics.



  1. Wht an excellent analysis of fact. Keep it up Mr. Mason. This peice hit the nail on the head. The Obama jobs bill is a epic fail. His own party won't get behind it.

  2. The combination of facts and commentary really puts this on another level. Research is key when making a point. Otherwise its just opinion and just like @ss holes, everyone has one.
